Namo Solutions offers powerful community building solutions for industry specific needs. Bizkala helps you create your own business community.
Businesses do not exist in isolation. They are connected internally with employees and business partners and externally with community.
Bottle-necks in communication internally with employees and externally with customers result in resistance and delays in completing projects. Enabling and empowering employees and customers with communication and collaborative tools can reduce the time line for completion of projects. This also helps to shed light on potential problems before they cause delays.
Create Your Own Social business Network.
Customize your online community for enterprises to connect internally with employees as well as
  externally with business partners to enable collaboration and sharing of information.
Your customized community can consist of employees and/or customers.
Groups can be easily created and access control can be provided at the individual or group level.
Benefits of creating a "Social Business Network"
Securely communicate mission critical information with your core team.
Empower your team with information to help them achieve your company goals.
Connect with companies and people who matter most to your business.
Share and publish information on social networks directly from your core engine.
Share your product and services information with people who can help you grow your business
Drive revenue with engaged business partners.
Discover hidden opportunities in your business network.
Connect with new businesses from opening conversation to completion of order.
Leverage the best of both worlds by empowering your internal team so that they can perform better
  and arming your 'external team' with the necessary information to do word-of-mouth marketing and
  brand building for you.
Get the best of social networking software, collaboration software, and community software to work
for your business.
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